Исследовательский проект FASTool
Разработка новых, устойчивых к высоким температурам материалов из металло-керамических композитов для приспособлений для нового сверхбыстрого метода спекания FAST²
Project data
Project management organisation | AIF / ZIM-KF |
Project number | KF2422301PK9 |
Term | 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2011 |
The goal of this project was the exploration of high-temperature-resistant tool materials consisting of metal-ceramic composites for the ultrafast sintering technique FAST². Extremely-high-temperature- and wear-resistant metal-ceramic composites on the basis of interpenetrating ceramic and metal microstructures are employed as a solution method. This so called preform-MMC was produced with the new technology of high-temperature-squeeze-casting (HTSC).