Mechanical engineering
Ball bearings for heavy-duty use, cutting tools, various wear parts

Gas pressure sintering furnaces
Type FP W - resistance heated
Gas pressure sintering systems are suitable for maximum densification of two-phase material systems such as Si3N4, SIALONE, AlN or mixed ceramics using overpressure (up to 10 MPa).

High-temperature vacuum sintering furnaces with horizontal loading
Type FH W - resistance heated
These sintering systems, designed as front loaders, enable the efficient compacting of particularly wear-resistant and/or chemically resistant material systems such as SiSiC, RBSiC, SiC/B4C, mixed ceramics; optionally with debinding and rapid cooling.

Uniaxial hot press
Type HP W - resistance heated
Hot presses are suitable for safely compacting a variety of different materials, especially with regard to wear and chemical resistance.